Saturday, February 11, 2012

it's so hard to say goodbye

Truth be told, I didn't go through with my new robe purchase yet. Ack, I know what you must be thinking, I know this doesn't bode well for the heart of this project. But, in my defense, I got to reading reviews of the robe I had in mind, and it felt like a lot of negativity was surrounding a robe that, with shipping, would come to almost $100. Which felt like a hell of a lot of cash for something subpar.  So I have stalled on this simple task, though I have continued to hunt and hunt for my non-ugly robe.

Let me tell you, this is no easy feat!

This first option I found seems a little ridiculous. I mean, do I really need a robe nicer than some of my dresses?

If you have a high-fashion function in the near future, this robe might be perfect

That is not a robe! That is a very cute wrap dress! All it needs is a smart pair of shoes and proper accessories.

Then I found a robe that is on sale for $150 (on sale for $150!!) that just fills my head with questions:

If you prefer sheer robes, check it out here

Of course, the only actually important question is: how is this better than being naked?

Next, on a whim, I decided to do a search at a store I don't frequent, entirely out of curiosity I swear!! First of all, take a look at the page dedicated to robes: oh my.  I am particularly frightened by what I will now only think of as "satan-eyes robe":

If you want to do a seance this might be the robe for you

But if the final robe I found had been available in the traditional flannel pattern, rather than just "Alpine Trees," we may have had a winner:

You too could wear a robe outside, by clicking here
Which is to admit that my best option thus far is to embrace my inner masculinity...on a seashore...with a dreamy look in my eyes.

So the search continues...

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