Sure, the last week has been busy - with a very full workload & a ton of social engagements - but the last week has also been extremely cold and thus I've had plenty of opportunities to sit here in front of this ol' computer screen and pound out some 2013 goals. Heck: January is nearly over! Let's get to it.
(As a sidenote, I have a book called to-do list with a bunch of fantastic lists in it, as well as prompts for you to write your own crazy lists. I originally went there for inspiration for this blog post, only for the DIY list I turned to to be called "Things to Do Before Having Kids." Since I don't know if I want kids, I suppose this prompt is as good as saying "Just write your damn 2013 goals already!")
Health/Fitness Goal: Feel awesome about my body by the time I am a bridesmaid in Rebecca's wedding. (This gives me until September and since I'm mostly feeling awesome already, I just have a small way to go...)
Work Goal: Simply put, create some healthy boundaries and establish rituals to establish a better work-life balance.
Home Goal: Dedicate more time this summer to establishing the perennial parts of my garden AND have an awesome outdoor light display next winter (which means I will have to hire an electrician to install some outside outlets.) Is this display way too much of a stretch to be my ultimate goal? Dream big I say!
Relationship Goal: Do some things by myself that feel a little bit scary but ultimately nurturing. Ideas: take a trip alone, go to a play alone, take a mini road-trip alone, visit an orchard by myself. All of these are activities I love, but that I avoid doing alone. The relationship I have with myself is crucial this year.
Daily Goals: Drink 5+ glasses of water a day. Take ten minutes of silence at the start and end of the day (bookend with silence). Gossip less at the office. Bring healthy snacks to work so I don't crave salt/sugar/salt (on repeat). Continue doing my facial regime with my awesome new Ole products. Give one sincere compliment a day. Take a moment each day to note one thing I am grateful for.
Weekly Goals: Make my own lunch more days than I go out to lunch. Do strength-training at least twice a week. Sit in the sauna once a week, perhaps less in the summer. Have one car-free day per week.
Spiritual Goals: Go to church at least once a month. Do Sun Salutations yoga at least once a week. Read one book about spirituality, faith, or religion that really challenges my beliefs.
Super Awesome Fun GoalS: Take a trip to somewhere I've never been. Take a few classes where I am a true beginner. See one of my life-long friends that I haven't seen in a decade (Dave or Shannon). Look into an adventure for my 30th birthday (dogsledding??)
Incredibly Random Goals that Don't Fit Elsewhere: Wear sunblock ALL the time in the summer. Read one book a month. Deal with my possible mustache.
I already mentioned that I decided the mantra of this year is to enjoy my time and embrace my fresh starts. Writing down my goals for myself is a way to acknowledge that ways that every day we begin again, and a fresh start is always possible.
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