And the smell as they are cooking.
When I think over 2013, I chuckle to myself as I ponder whether or not to just post a link to "How to Survive your Saturn Returns." The universe was up to something this year, and I felt it in ways large and small.
But as I stand here - disheveled hair, flour splatters on my (stupidly) all black PJs, the smell of pumpkin wafting through the kitchen - I know I have much - so much - to sing praises for.
As 2013 was distinguished by transitions and some
-I am grateful for the many mentors that arrived on my doorstep this year - some expected, some surprising.
-I am grateful for the multiple circles of women I am blessed to be a part of, as well as those women I can sit across a table from, face-to-face, and speak truth, hear truth.
-I am grateful for where I was one year ago - literally and symbolically.
-I am grateful for how far I've come from that place - literally and symbolically.
-I am grateful for a full year in my beautiful kitchen and the many cooking adventures we've had.
-I am grateful for my house, and have found myself sending it more love this year.
-I am grateful for the ability to say when something isn't working, and the ability to make changes that are not easy.
-I am grateful for my former coworkers who said "congrats" before they said "how could you abandon us?"
-I am grateful for remembering that the world around me is more nuanced and strange than I was giving credit...
-...and in taking notice, feeling very small but very empowered in my specific place in it all.